There is a paradigm in modern development named Minimum Viable Product (MVP). It is expressed as an application's most essential feature set that can provide users value. A focus on delivering MVP for the initial release aims to avoid unnecessary redesign by quickly gathering user feedback and usage statistics to inform the direction of further development.
With experience, I've learned to lean on a similar philosophy for my development toolchain that I call Minimum Viable Apps. The goal is slightly different, but the principles remain the same. What are the least number of simple apps that allow me to complete this project?
I took nearly the opposite approach to my tools when I began developing software. My laptop was filled with development tools that performed similar tasks in slightly different ways, each containing its own complement of shortcuts and automation to streamline every conceivable task. While these highly customized tools may have enabled me to work slightly faster, my overall productivity was being stolen by the maintenance overhead.
Embracing Minimum Viable Apps aligns with Agile development principles and empowers developers to focus on what truly matters – delivering value to users. Our tools should serve, not hinder us. We must be deliberate in selecting the apps we work with to ensure our tools amplify our abilities.